Pet Odor & Stain Removal


Pet odor & Stain Removal Coral Gables

Perhaps you have pet odor and stains on your rug, and you are thinking of calling a professional rug cleaning company to clean the blemishes that you can do yourself with the help of some suggestions on using products that you already have in your home to try to remove the pet odor and stain on your own. Depending on the rug cleaning company that you employ, it may cost anywhere from one hundred dollars to three hundred dollars for a professional pet odor and stain removal company to come out and clean your rugs professionally.

Pet Odor Stain Removal Coral Gables

Call: 305-354-7677

Pet Odor Stain Removal

Arguably, the best way to make sure that your pets do not mess your rug is to vacuum your rugs and regularly sweep your floors. Pets incline to shed both dander and fur. Many people are allergic to the dander; periodically cleaning it up is essential, or else you run the risk of illness.

Another suggestion here is to remove the stain if it is fresh with clear liquid soap combined with warm water in a spray container. You can spray a small part of the affected area and blot it with a white towel to know if it will remove the stain or not. The results depend on how long the blemish has been there. Most often, this method will do the trick. If the odor is strong, this method may not work because it may clean the visible stain, but the odor will remain. You can also mix lemon juice with warm water if you have no rug cleaning solutions in your home and use the same spraying technique and blotting a towel.

Call: 305-354-7677

You can also try vinegar, Oxicleean, and warm water. You have to mix them by using a 10 to 1 ratio of water to vinegar with a scoop of Oxiclean. Once combined, use a clean cloth and gently blot the affected area to remove pet odor and stains. It is a good idea to try a small test area before blotting the entire stained area. This cleaning technique is also handy for removing pet urine odors. The vinegar’s smell will, in the end, go away once the rug is fully dry in the area treated.

Always vacuum the affected area after cleaning. Rug cleaning products can sometimes leave residue behind, which, if not taken out, can trigger problems like the stains returning, if not the odor. You also have to know what type of rug you have precisely. Rugs can react differently to certain chemicals.

If you have a severe pet odor and stain, it is better to call a professional rug cleaning company. It is by far a better choice to spend the money on a professional pet Odor and Stain Removal Company than to replace your investment by discoloring or fading it.

Pet Stain Removal