Area Rug Cleaning


Area Rug Cleaning Coral Gables

Area Rug Cleaning Services Coral Gables

Please don’t be fooled by our name, we do so much more than just oriental rug cleaning. Area Rug Cleaning Coral Gables customers have also come to rely on us for their rug restoration. No matter, wool or silk, synthetic we treat all of our rugs with extra care. We know the difference by taking the time to evaluate the rug and the fibers to make sure that before the process begins no damage is done.

Call: 305-354-7677

Rug Cleaning Service Coral Gables

Some of our most loyal customers have been coming to us for years with the same rug that they buy from home décor stores like Pottery Barn, Target and West Elm and their rugs have lasted because they are cared for the proper way. If a company tells you they will clean your rug right then and there on the spot, shut the door! I can almost assure you that your rug and floors may get damaged. It is a call we receive way to often and I never want to tell anyone that their rug cannot be salvaged. Area Rug Cleaning Service is all about the hand washing. It all begins once the rug is back to us to start the process. Our rug specialist is happy to tell you all about how we treat the rugs, test the rugs for bleeding and do custom repairs as well.

We are a family owned and operated business and to us that means you have higher expectations. Anyone that proudly puts their name and their family’s reputation out there should deliver not only the best service possible but the most honest and dedicated as well. My father instilled that in me when I took over as he decided to retire. We take nothing for granted and we work diligently every day to be the Rug Cleaners you call.

Antique Rug Cleaning